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Cherish a Timeless Treasure by Co-Creating Horsehair Ceramic Art!

vessel w:horse20161106_13143020161106_13155820161106_13104920161106_13045420161106_13225120161106_12530420161106_13273220161106_13151020161106_125141Horse

Here is the latest order of our Horsehair pottery we have shipped.

•Each hand-thrown clay pot is lovingly adorned using a unique firing process with hair from our clients’ beloved horses. 

•The name is carved on the bottom.

•Clients simply supply us with sample hair and we create the art.

The horse shown here is my friend “Shorty.”  He was happy to pose, and help us show off these latest ceramic creations. My buddy Donny held Shorty, and his hand can be seen in some photos.

My grandmother, Grace Beers, taught me how to use her potter’s wheel to throw pots when I was a boy of 10 years old.  I ended up studying Mathematics in college and had quite a different career for 40 years.  I am so happy to be back with my hands in the clay, co-creating these works of art after all these years.

I’m so thrilled to show off one of the Holiday ornaments (see the horse I’m holding on the black leather cord). Along with our pots, jewelry, and jewelry boxes, these make great holiday gifts for all the friends of your horse. This horse ornament only cost $30 (includes shipping) and if we get your hair sample by Dec 8th, there would be no problem getting it shipped back to you in time for Christmas.

I want to thank my clients Roxanne, Julie, and Karlie for submitting the horsehair that co-created these works shown in these photos!