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Tag Archives: horsehair

Our New Video Gallery of HorseHair Pottery

I am very pleased to announce this new link to the page that contains all our videos.  It’s a great way to check out what we do, and decide if you would like to reward yourself with this unique, handcrafted pottery,

Horsehair Ornaments, Get a Whole Set!

Shorty is in the house, and he approves our horsehair hanging ornaments! One-of-a-kind handcrafted ornaments are made using hair from your horse or other beloved friend. Your horses name is imprinted in the wet clay. Natural white clay is then fired

Three Horsehair Pottery Jewelry Boxes to remember the horse Rodney!

For this blog post I can do no better then provide the words from my customer, Nadine.  She saved tail hair from her beloved family horse, Rodney, and after many years decided to get three jewelry boxes made, a gift for

Horsehair Pottery for Wabash

Horsehair Pottery for Wabash

In this video I take the handmade horsehair pottery for Wabash out of the kiln at 1000 degrees. Then it’s set spinning and you can see the Dancing Fire Pottery happen as it goes.

Zipp’s Turquoise Horsehair Pottery Vessel is Finished

A new client came to me and asked if I could make a colored vessel to burn the horsehair onto, because “my horse always had a turquoise bridle.” Never having done this, I was a little concerned to say “Yes,” but